Title: | Miscellaneous Functions for Creating Adaptive Functions and Scripts |
Description: | A set of handy functions. Includes a versatile one line progress bar, one line function timer with detailed output, time delay function, text histogram, object preview, CRAN package search, simpler package installer, Linux command install check, a flexible Mode function, top function, simulation of correlated data, and more. |
Authors: | Nicholas Cooper |
Maintainer: | Nicholas Cooper <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.2.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 04:00:39 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/NCmisc |
A set of handy functions. Includes a versatile one line progress bar, one line function timer with detailed output, time delay function, text histogram, object preview, CRAN package search, simpler package installer, Linux command install check, a flexible Mode function, top function, simulation of correlated data, and more.
Package: | NCmisc |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.2.0 |
Date: | 2022-10-14 |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
A package of general purpose functions that might save time or help tidy up code. Some of these functions are similar to existing functions but are simpler to use or have more features (e.g, timeit and loop.tracker reduce an initialisation, 'during' and close three-line call structure, to a single function call. Also, some of these functions are useful for building packages and pipelines, for instance: Header(), to provide strong visual deliniation between procedures in console output, by an ascii bordered heading; loop.tracker() to track the progress of loops (called with only 1 line of code), with the option to periodically backup a key object during the loop; estimate.memory() to determine whether the object may exceed some threshold before creating it, timeit(), a one line wrapper for proftools which gives a detailed breakdown of time taken, and time within each function called during a procedure; and check.linux.install() to verify installation status of terminal commands before using system(), top() to examine current memory and CPU usage [using the system 'top' command]. prv() is useful for debugging as it allows a detailed preview of objects, and is as easy as placing print statements within loops/functions but gives more information, and gives compact output for large objects. For testing sim.cor() provides a simple way to simulate a correlated data matrix, as often this is more realistic than completely random data. Otherwise summarise.r.datasets gives a list of all available datasets and their structure and dimensionality.
List of key functions:
check.linux.install Check whether a given system command is installed (e.g, bash)
comma.list Nicely format output lists with comma separation and length control
comify Function to add commas for large numbers
cor.with simulate a variable with a specified correlation to an existing variable
Dim same as dim() function but works for more objects, including vectors
dup.pairs Obtain an ordered index of all instances of values with duplicates
estimate.memory Estimate the memory required for an object
exists.not.function same as exists() function but ignores functions
extend.pc Extend an interval by percentage
fakeLines Create randomized lines of text for testing
force.percentage Force argument to be a decimal percentage
force.scalar Force argument to be a scalar
get.distinct.cols Return up to 22 distinct colours
getRepositories Return list of available repositories
has.method Determine whether a function can be applied to an S4 class/object
headl A good way to preview large lists
Header Print heading text with a border
is.vec.logical Test whether vector is logical independent of type
is.vec.numeric Test whether vector is numeric independent of type
list.functions.in.file Show all functions used in an R script file, by package
list.to.env Inserts new variables in current environment from a named list
loess.scatter Draw a scatterplot with a fit line
loop.tracker Creates a progess bar within a loop with only 1 line
Mode Find the mode(s) of a vector
must.use.package Do everything possible to load an R package
narm Return an object with missing values removed
nearest.to Similar to base match function but picks nearest instead of exact match
Numerify Convert only suitable columns to numeric format in data.frame
out.of Simplify outputting fractions/percentages
p.to.Z Convert p-values to Z-scores
packages.loaded quietly test whether packages are loaded without using require
pad.left Print a vector with appropriate padding so each has equal char length
pctile Find data thresholds corresponding to percentiles
ppa Posterior probability for p-values
preview same as prv, but enter arguments as strings
prv.large tidy representation for large matrices/data.frames
prv compact preview of objects (more complete than 'print')
replace.missing.df replace missing values in data.frame automatically
Rfile.index Create an index file for an R function file
rmv.names Remove names from object
rmv.spc Remove leading and trailing spaces (or other character)
search.cran Search all CRAN packages for those containing keyword(s)
sim.cor simulate a correlated dataset
simple.date generate a string with compact summary of date/time
spc Print a character a specified number of times
standardize Convert a numeric vector to Z-scores
Substitute multivariable version of substitute (base)
summary2 Extension of base:summary that adds SD, SE and keeps names fixed and cleaner
summarise.r.datasets show and summarise all available example datasets
table2d Extension of base:table that forces fixed rows and columns
textogram Make an ascii histogram in the console
timeit Times an expression, with breakdown of time spent in functions
toheader Return a string with each first letter of each word in upper case
top report on CPU and memory usage, overall or by process
Unlist Unlist a list, starting only from a set depth
wait Wait for a period of time
which.outlier Return indexes of univariate outliers
Z.to.p Convert Z-scores to p-values
Nicholas Cooper
Maintainer: Nicholas Cooper <[email protected]>
#text histogram suited to working from a console without GUI graphics textogram(rnorm(10000),range=c(-3,3)) # wait 0.2 seconds wait(0.2,silent=FALSE) # see whether a system command is installed check.linux.install("sed") # a nice progress bar max <- 100; for (cc in 1:max) { loop.tracker(cc,max); wait(0.004,"s") } # nice header Header(c("SPACE","The final frontier")) # memory req'd for proposed or actual object estimate.memory(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=10)) # a mode function (there isn't one included as part of base) Mode(c(1,2,3,3,4,4,4)) # search for packages containing text, eg, 'misc' search.cran("misc", repos="http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/") # simulate a correlated dataset corDat <- sim.cor(200,5) cor(corDat) # show correlation matrix prv(corDat) # show compact preview of matrix # Dim() versus dim() Dim(1:10); dim(1:10) # find nearest match in a vector: nearest.to(1:100, 50.5)
#text histogram suited to working from a console without GUI graphics textogram(rnorm(10000),range=c(-3,3)) # wait 0.2 seconds wait(0.2,silent=FALSE) # see whether a system command is installed check.linux.install("sed") # a nice progress bar max <- 100; for (cc in 1:max) { loop.tracker(cc,max); wait(0.004,"s") } # nice header Header(c("SPACE","The final frontier")) # memory req'd for proposed or actual object estimate.memory(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=10)) # a mode function (there isn't one included as part of base) Mode(c(1,2,3,3,4,4,4)) # search for packages containing text, eg, 'misc' search.cran("misc", repos="http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/") # simulate a correlated dataset corDat <- sim.cor(200,5) cor(corDat) # show correlation matrix prv(corDat) # show compact preview of matrix # Dim() versus dim() Dim(1:10); dim(1:10) # find nearest match in a vector: nearest.to(1:100, 50.5)
Tests whether a command is installed and callable by system(). Will return a warning if run on windows when linux.more=TRUE
check.linux.install(cmd = c("plink", "perl", "sed"), linux.mode = FALSE)
check.linux.install(cmd = c("plink", "perl", "sed"), linux.mode = FALSE)
cmd |
character vector of commands to test |
linux.mode |
logical, alternate way of command testing that only works on linux and mac OS X, to turn this on, set to TRUE. |
returns true or false for each command in 'cmd'
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
check.linux.install("R") # should be standard check.linux.install(c("perl","sed","fake-cmd"))
check.linux.install("R") # should be standard check.linux.install(c("perl","sed","fake-cmd"))
Often for nice presentation of genomic locations it is helpful to insert commas every 3 digits when numbers are large. This function makes it simple and allows specification of digits if a decimal number is in use.
comify(x, digits = 2)
comify(x, digits = 2)
x |
a vector of numbers, either as character, integer or numeric form |
digits |
integer, if decimal numbers are in use, how many digits to display, same as input to base::round() |
returns a character vector with commas inserted every 3 digits
comify("23432") comify(x=c(1,25,306,999,1000,43434,732454,65372345326)) comify(23432.123456) comify(23432.123456,digits=0)
comify("23432") comify(x=c(1,25,306,999,1000,43434,732454,65372345326)) comify(23432.123456) comify(23432.123456,digits=0)
Often for nice presentation of error messages you wish to display a list of values. This adds commas between entries and will truncate the list above a length of 50 items with an ellipsis. Very simple but convenient function.
X |
a vector to be displayed |
string with entries separated by commas, and if long, entries skipped indicated by an ellipsis.
comma.list(1:100) cat("The following entries were ignored: ", comma.list(c(1,7,10:14)), "\n")
comma.list(1:100) cat("The following entries were ignored: ", comma.list(c(1,7,10:14)), "\n")
Simulate a variable correlated at level 'r' with cector x (of the same length). Can either 'preserve' the mean and standard-deviation, leave standardizeed, or select new mean 'mn' and standard deviation 'st'.
cor.with(x, r = 0.5, preserve = FALSE, mn = NA, st = NA)
cor.with(x, r = 0.5, preserve = FALSE, mn = NA, st = NA)
x |
existing variable, to which you want to simulate a new correlated variable |
r |
the 'expected' correlation you want to target (randomness will mean that the actual correlation will vary around this value) |
preserve |
logical, whether to preserve the same mean and standard deviation(SD) as x, for the new variable |
mn |
optional, set the mean for the new simulated variable [must also set st if using this] |
st |
optional, set the SD for the new simulated variable [must also set mn if using this] |
return the new variable with an expected correlation of 'r' with x
Nicholas Cooper
X <- rnorm(10,100,14) cor.with(X,r=.5) # create a variable correlated .5 with X cor(X,cor.with(X)) # check the actual correlation # some variability in the actual correlation, so run 1000 times: print(mean(replicate(1000,{cor(X,cor.with(X))}))) cor.with(X,preserve=TRUE) # preserve original mean and standard deviation X[c(4,10)] <- NA # works fine with NAs, but new var will have same missing cor.with(X,mn=50,st=2) # specify new mean and standard deviation
X <- rnorm(10,100,14) cor.with(X,r=.5) # create a variable correlated .5 with X cor(X,cor.with(X)) # check the actual correlation # some variability in the actual correlation, so run 1000 times: print(mean(replicate(1000,{cor(X,cor.with(X))}))) cor.with(X,preserve=TRUE) # preserve original mean and standard deviation X[c(4,10)] <- NA # works fine with NAs, but new var will have same missing cor.with(X,mn=50,st=2) # specify new mean and standard deviation
A more general 'dim' function. For arrays simply calls the dim() function, but for other data types, tries to provide an equivalent, for instance will call length(x) for vectors, and will recursively report dims for lists, and will attempt something sensible for other datatypes.
Dim(x, cat.lists = TRUE)
Dim(x, cat.lists = TRUE)
x |
the object to find the dimension for |
cat.lists |
logical, for lists, TRUE will concatenate the dimesions to a single string, or FALSE will return the sizes as a list of the same structure as the original. |
dimension(s) of the object
# create variables of different types to show output styles # Dim(193) Dim(1:10) testvar <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25) Dim(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25)) Dim(list(first="test",second=testvar,third=100:110)) Dim(list(first="test",second=testvar,third=100:110),FALSE)
# create variables of different types to show output styles # Dim(193) Dim(1:10) testvar <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25) Dim(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25)) Dim(list(first="test",second=testvar,third=100:110)) Dim(list(first="test",second=testvar,third=100:110),FALSE)
The standard 'duplicated' function, called with which(duplicated(x)) will only return the indexes of the extra values, not the first instances. For instance in the sequence: A,B,A,C,D,B,E; it would return: 3,6. This function will also return the first instances, so in this example would give: 1,3,2,6 [note it will also be ordered]. This index can be helpful for diagnosis if duplicates are unexpected, for instance in a data.frame, and you wish to compare the differences between the rows with the duplicate values occuring. Also, duplicate values are sorted to be together in the listing, which can help for manual troubleshooting of undesired duplicates.
x |
a vector that you wish to extract duplicates from |
vector of indices of which values in 'x' are duplicates (including the first observed value in pairs, or sets of >2), ordered by set, then by appearance in x.
set <- c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,2,2,2,2,12,1,3,3,1) dup.pairs(set) # shows the indexes (ordered) of duplicated values set[dup.pairs(set)] # shows the values that were duplicated (only 1's, 2's and 3's)
set <- c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,2,2,2,2,12,1,3,3,1) dup.pairs(set) # shows the indexes (ordered) of duplicated values set[dup.pairs(set)] # shows the values that were duplicated (only 1's, 2's and 3's)
Can enter an existing object or just the dimensions or total length of a proposed object. The estimate is based on the object being of numeric type. Integers use half the space of numeric, raw() use 1/8th of the space. Factors and characters can vary, although factors will always use less than numeric, and character variables may easily use up to twice as much depending on the length [nchar()] of each element.
estimate.memory( dat, integer = FALSE, raw = FALSE, unit = c("gb", "mb", "kb", "b"), add.unit = FALSE )
estimate.memory( dat, integer = FALSE, raw = FALSE, unit = c("gb", "mb", "kb", "b"), add.unit = FALSE )
dat |
either a vector/matrix/dataframe object, or else up to 10 dimensions of such an object, or a potential object, i.e; c(nrow,ncol). If entering an object directly, you can leave out the 'integer' and 'raw' arguments as these will be detected from the object type. Any set of dimensions >10 will be assumed to be a vector, so if you have such an object, better to submit the total product [base::prod()]. |
integer |
if the object or potential object is integer or logical type, set this argument to TRUE, if this is TRUE, the parameter 'RAW' will be ignored; integer and logical types use 1/2 of the memory of numeric types |
raw |
if the object or potential object is of 'raw' type, set this argument to TRUE, note that if 'integer' is TRUE, this parameter 'RAW' will be ignored; raw types use 1/8 of the memory of numeric types |
unit |
the storage units to use for the result, ie, "gb", "mb","kb", "b" for gigabytes, megabytes, kilobytes, or bytes respectively. |
add.unit |
logical, whether to append the unit being used to the result, making the result character type instead of numeric. |
returns the minimum memory requirement to store and object of the specified size, as a numeric scalar, in gigabytes (default) or else using the units specified by 'unit', and if add.unit = TRUE, then the result will be character type instead of numeric, with the units appended.
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
myMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=10) myVec <- sample(1:1000) estimate.memory(myMatrix,unit="bytes") # enter a matrix object estimate.memory(myVec,unit="kb" ,add.unit=TRUE) # enter a vector object estimate.memory(c(10,10,10,10,10),unit="kb") # 5 dimensional array estimate.memory(c(10^6,10^4), add.unit=TRUE) # large matrix estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, add.unit=TRUE) # entering argument as # total cells, rather than dims estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, integer=TRUE, add.unit=TRUE) estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, raw=TRUE, add.unit=TRUE) estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, TRUE, TRUE, add.unit=TRUE) # 'integer' overrides 'raw'
myMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=10) myVec <- sample(1:1000) estimate.memory(myMatrix,unit="bytes") # enter a matrix object estimate.memory(myVec,unit="kb" ,add.unit=TRUE) # enter a vector object estimate.memory(c(10,10,10,10,10),unit="kb") # 5 dimensional array estimate.memory(c(10^6,10^4), add.unit=TRUE) # large matrix estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, add.unit=TRUE) # entering argument as # total cells, rather than dims estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, integer=TRUE, add.unit=TRUE) estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, raw=TRUE, add.unit=TRUE) estimate.memory(5.4*10^8, TRUE, TRUE, add.unit=TRUE) # 'integer' overrides 'raw'
Does object exist ignoring functions
The exists() function can tell you whether an object exists at all, or whether an object exists with a certain type, but it can be useful to know whether an object exists as genuine data (and not a function) which can be important when a variable or object is accidently or intentionally given the same name as a function. This function usually returns a logical value as to the existence of the object (ignoring functions) but can also be set to return the non-function type if the object exists.
exists.not.function(x, ret.type = FALSE)
exists.not.function(x, ret.type = FALSE)
x |
the object name to search for |
ret.type |
logical, if TRUE then will return the objects' type (if it exists) rather than TRUE or FALSE. If the object doesn't exist the empty string will be returned as the type. |
logical, whether non-function object exists, or else the type if ret.type=TRUE
Nicholas Cooper
x <- "test" # the standard exists function, for all modes, correct mode, and other modes: exists("x") exists("x",mode="character") exists("x",mode="numeric") # standard case for a non-function variable exists.not.function("x",TRUE) # compare results for a non-existent variable exists("aVarNotSeen") exists.not.function("aVarNotSeen") # compare results for variable that is a function exists("mean") exists.not.function("mean") # define a variable with same name as a function mean <- 1.4 # exists.not.function returns the type of the variable ignoring the function of the same name exists.not.function("mean",TRUE) exists("mean",mode="function") exists("mean",mode="numeric")
x <- "test" # the standard exists function, for all modes, correct mode, and other modes: exists("x") exists("x",mode="character") exists("x",mode="numeric") # standard case for a non-function variable exists.not.function("x",TRUE) # compare results for a non-existent variable exists("aVarNotSeen") exists.not.function("aVarNotSeen") # compare results for variable that is a function exists("mean") exists.not.function("mean") # define a variable with same name as a function mean <- 1.4 # exists.not.function returns the type of the variable ignoring the function of the same name exists.not.function("mean",TRUE) exists("mean",mode="function") exists("mean",mode="numeric")
For various reasons, such as applying windows, setting custom range limits for plots, it may be desirable to extend an interval by a certain percentage.
extend.pc(X, pc = 0.5, pos = TRUE, neg = TRUE, swap = FALSE)
extend.pc(X, pc = 0.5, pos = TRUE, neg = TRUE, swap = FALSE)
X |
a numeric range, should be length 2. If a longer numeric, will be coerced with range() |
pc |
percentage by which to extend X, can be entered in either percentage style: 0<pc<1; or 1<pc<100 |
pos |
logical, if TRUE, make an extension in the positive direction |
neg |
logical, if TRUE, make an extension in the negative direction |
swap |
logical, if TRUE, flip the extension directions if X[2]<X[1], ie, not in numerical order |
extend.pc(c(2,10),0.25) # extend X symmetrically extend.pc(c(2:10),0.25) # extend the range of X # the following 3 examples extend X by 1% only in the 'positive' direction extend.pc(c(25000,55000),.01,neg=FALSE) # standard positive extension extend.pc(c(55000,25000),.01,neg=FALSE) # ranges in reverse order, not swapped extend.pc(c(55000,25000),.01,neg=FALSE,swap=TRUE) # ranges in reverse order, swapped
extend.pc(c(2,10),0.25) # extend X symmetrically extend.pc(c(2:10),0.25) # extend the range of X # the following 3 examples extend X by 1% only in the 'positive' direction extend.pc(c(25000,55000),.01,neg=FALSE) # standard positive extension extend.pc(c(55000,25000),.01,neg=FALSE) # ranges in reverse order, not swapped extend.pc(c(55000,25000),.01,neg=FALSE,swap=TRUE) # ranges in reverse order, swapped
Returns randomized input as if reading lines from a file, like 'readLines()' Can be used to test i/o functions, robustness.
fakeLines( max.lines = 10, max.chars = 100, pc.space = 0.35, delim = " ", can.null = TRUE )
fakeLines( max.lines = 10, max.chars = 100, pc.space = 0.35, delim = " ", can.null = TRUE )
max.lines |
maxmimum number of fake lines to read |
max.chars |
maximum number of characters per line |
pc.space |
percentage of randomly generated characters that should be a delimiter |
delim |
what should the simulated delimiter be, e.g, a space, comma etc. If you wish not to include such either set the delimiter as "", or set pc.space=0. |
can.null |
whether with probability 1/max.lines to return NULL instead of any lines of text, which simulates an empty file, which for testing purposes you may want to be able to handle |
a vector of character entries up 'max.chars' long, or sometimes only NULL if can.null=TRUE
Nicholas Cooper
fakeLines() # should produce between zero and ten lines of random text, 35% of which are spaces
fakeLines() # should produce between zero and ten lines of random text, 35% of which are spaces
Wrapper for the bash command 'split' that can separate a text file into multiple roughly equal sized parts. This function removes the need to remember syntax and suffixes of the bash command
file.split( fn, size = 50000, same.dir = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, suf = "part", win = TRUE )
file.split( fn, size = 50000, same.dir = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, suf = "part", win = TRUE )
fn |
character, file name of the text file to split, if the file is an imcompatible format the linux command should return an error message to the console |
size |
integer, the maximum number of lines for the split parts of the file produced |
same.dir |
logical, whether the resulting files should be moved to the same directory as the original file, or simply left in the working directory [getwd()] |
verbose |
logical, whether to report the resulting file names to the console |
suf |
character, suffix for the split files, default is 'part', the original file extension will be appended after this suffix |
win |
logical, set to FALSE if running a standard windows setup (cmd.ext), and the file split will run natively in R. Set to TRUE if you have a unix-alike command system, such as CygWin, sh.exe, csh.exe, tsh.exe, running, and this will then check to see whether the POSIX 'split' command is present (this provides a speed advantage). If in doubt, windows users can always set win=TRUE; the only case where this will cause an issue is if there is a different command installed with the same name (i.e, 'split'). |
returns the list of file names produced (including path)
Nicholas Cooper
orig.dir <- getwd(); setwd(tempdir()); # move to temporary dir file.name <- "myfile.txt" writeLines(fakeLines(max.lines=1000),con=file.name) new.files <- file.split(file.name,size=50) unlink(new.files); unlink(file.name) setwd(orig.dir) # reset working dir to original
orig.dir <- getwd(); setwd(tempdir()); # move to temporary dir file.name <- "myfile.txt" writeLines(fakeLines(max.lines=1000),con=file.name) new.files <- file.split(file.name,size=50) unlink(new.files); unlink(file.name) setwd(orig.dir) # reset working dir to original
Sometimes it is nice to be able to take a percentage as an argument and not have to specify whether it should be entered as a number between 0 and 100, e.g, 50 = 50 than 1 and less than 100 will be divided by 100. Anything outside 0,100 will be set to 0,100 respectively.
force.percentage(x, default = 0.5)
force.percentage(x, default = 0.5)
x |
the object to ensure is a oercentage |
default |
the value to revert to if the format of x is illegal |
the object x if already legal, first element if a vector, the min or max value if x is outside the specified bounds, or the value of default otherwise
# create variables of different types to show output styles # force.percentage(45) force.percentage(450) force.percentage(.45) force.percentage(-45) force.percentage("twenty") force.percentage(NA,default=0.25)
# create variables of different types to show output styles # force.percentage(45) force.percentage(450) force.percentage(.45) force.percentage(-45) force.percentage("twenty") force.percentage(NA,default=0.25)
Sometimes arguments must be numeric, scalar and within a certain range. Rather than using many if statements, this will do everything possible to coerce input to a scalar, failing that will replace with a default value. Can also provide a maximum and minimum range that the result must lie within.
force.scalar(x, default = 1, min = -10^10, max = 10^10)
force.scalar(x, default = 1, min = -10^10, max = 10^10)
x |
the object to ensure is a scalar |
default |
the value to revert to if the format of x is illegal |
min |
a lower bound for the output, anything below this is set to min |
max |
an upper bound for the output, anything above this is set to max |
the object x if already legal, first element if a vector, the min or max value if x is outside the specified bounds, or the value of default otherwise
force.scalar(1.5) force.scalar(NULL,default=.5) force.scalar(NA,default=.4,min=5,max=10) # default is outside range! force.scalar(rnorm(1000)) force.scalar(101,max=50) force.scalar(list(0.4,1,2,3,4,"test")) force.scalar(data.frame(test=c(1,2,3),name=c("test","me","few"))) force.scalar(Inf)
force.scalar(1.5) force.scalar(NULL,default=.5) force.scalar(NA,default=.4,min=5,max=10) # default is outside range! force.scalar(rnorm(1000)) force.scalar(101,max=50) force.scalar(list(0.4,1,2,3,4,"test")) force.scalar(data.frame(test=c(1,2,3),name=c("test","me","few"))) force.scalar(Inf)
Useful if you want to colour 22 autosomes, etc, because most R colour palettes only provide 12 or fewer colours, or else provide, a gradient which is not distinguishable for discrete categories. Manually curated so the most similar colours aren't side by side.
get.distinct.cols(n = 22)
get.distinct.cols(n = 22)
n |
number of unique colours to return |
returns vector of n colours
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
get.distinct.cols(10) plot(1:22,pch=19,col=get.distinct.cols(22))
get.distinct.cols(10) plot(1:22,pch=19,col=get.distinct.cols(22))
In addition to the default CRAN repository, there are other repositories such as R-Forge, Omegahat, and bioConductor (which is split in to software, annotation, experiments and extras). This function allows you to retrieve which are available. This function complements (and takes code from) utils::setRepositories(), which will just set, not return which are available, but see there for more information about how this works. Detecting the available repositories can be useful to precede a call to setRepositories, and allows you to utilise these repositories without calling setRepositories (which is hard to reverse). This function can be used to expand the search space of the function search.cran() to include bioconductor packages.
getRepositories(ind = NULL, table = FALSE)
getRepositories(ind = NULL, table = FALSE)
ind |
index, same as for 'setRepositories', if NULL this function returns all available repositories, or if an index, returns a subset. |
table |
logical, if TRUE, return a table of information, else just return the URLs, which are the required input for the 'repos' argument for relevant functions, e.g, available.packages() or search.cran() |
list of repositories with URLS, note that it is the URL that works best for use for passing a value for 'repos' to various functions.
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
repos <- "http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/" # OR: repos <- getOption("repos") getRepositories(table=TRUE) # shows all available getRepositories(2:5,FALSE) # returns index for all bioconductor repositories (on my system at least) # does not find this bioconductor package on CRAN ## not run # search.cran("genoset",repos=getRepositories(1)) # should now, because all repositories are used ## not run # search.cran("genoset",repos=getRepositories())
repos <- "http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/" # OR: repos <- getOption("repos") getRepositories(table=TRUE) # shows all available getRepositories(2:5,FALSE) # returns index for all bioconductor repositories (on my system at least) # does not find this bioconductor package on CRAN ## not run # search.cran("genoset",repos=getRepositories(1)) # should now, because all repositories are used ## not run # search.cran("genoset",repos=getRepositories())
Wrapper for 'showMethods', allows easy testing whether a function (can be specified as a string, or the actual function itself (FUN)) can be applied to a specific object or class of objects (CLASS)
has.method(FUN, CLASS, false.if.error = FALSE, ...)
has.method(FUN, CLASS, false.if.error = FALSE, ...)
the function to test, can be specified as a string, or the actual function itself |
a specific object or a class of objects specified by a string, e.g, "GRanges" |
false.if.error |
logical, the default value is FALSE, in which case an error is returned when FUN is not an S4 generic function. If this parameter is set to TRUE, 'FALSE' will be returned with a warning instead of an error. |
... |
additional arguments to showMethods(), e.g, 'where' to specify the environment |
returns logical (TRUE/FALSE), or if the function is not S4 will return an error, although this could potentially be because the function's package has not been loaded.
require(Matrix); require(methods) has.method("t","dgeMatrix") # t() is the transpose method for a dgeMatrix object has.method(t,"dgeMatrix") # also works without quotes for the method m.example <- as(matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=5),"dgeMatrix") has.method(t, m.example) # works with an instance of an object type too has.method("band", m.example) # band is a function for a 'denseMatrix' but not 'dgeMatrix' ## not run # has.method("notAFunction","GRanges") # should return error ## not run # has.method("notAFunction","GRanges",TRUE) # should return FALSE and a warning
require(Matrix); require(methods) has.method("t","dgeMatrix") # t() is the transpose method for a dgeMatrix object has.method(t,"dgeMatrix") # also works without quotes for the method m.example <- as(matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=5),"dgeMatrix") has.method(t, m.example) # works with an instance of an object type too has.method("band", m.example) # band is a function for a 'denseMatrix' but not 'dgeMatrix' ## not run # has.method("notAFunction","GRanges") # should return error ## not run # has.method("notAFunction","GRanges",TRUE) # should return FALSE and a warning
Makes highly visible headings, can separately horizontal, vertical and corner characters
Header(txt, h = "=", v = h, corner = h, align = "center")
Header(txt, h = "=", v = h, corner = h, align = "center")
txt |
The text to display in the centre |
h |
the ascii character to use on the horizontal sections of the border, and used for v,corner too if not specified separately |
v |
the character to use on vertical sections of the border |
corner |
the character to use on corner sections of the border |
align |
alignment of the writing, when there are multiple lines, e.g, "right", "left", "centre"/"center" |
returns nothing, simply prints the heading to the console
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
Header("Section 1") Header("Section 1",h="-",v="|",corner="*") Header(c("SPACE","The final frontier")) Header(c("MY SCRIPT","Part 1"),align="left",h=".")
Header("Section 1") Header("Section 1",h="-",v="|",corner="*") Header(c("SPACE","The final frontier")) Header(c("MY SCRIPT","Part 1"),align="left",h=".")
An alternative to head(list) which allows limiting of large list components in the console display
headl(x, n = 6, skip = 20, skip2 = 10, ind = "", ind2 = " ")
headl(x, n = 6, skip = 20, skip2 = 10, ind = "", ind2 = " ")
x |
a list to preview |
n |
The number of values to display for the deepest nodes of the list |
skip |
number of first level elements to display before skipping the remainder |
skip2 |
number of subsequent level elements to display before skipping the remainder |
ind |
indent character for first level elements |
ind2 |
indent character for subsequent level elements |
prints truncated preview of a large list
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
sub1 <- list(list(1:100),list(2:101),list(101:200),list(201:300),list(301:400)) big.list <- list(sub1,sub1,sub1,sub1,sub1,sub1) headl(sub1) headl(big.list,skip=2)
sub1 <- list(list(1:100),list(2:101),list(101:200),list(201:300),list(301:400)) big.list <- list(sub1,sub1,sub1,sub1,sub1,sub1) headl(sub1) headl(big.list,skip=2)
This is an improvement on base:is.logical because data may be encoded as a different type (e.g, string, "TRUE", "FALSE") especially if imported from a file. This does not include logical vectors coded as 0,1; such will return FALSE with this function.
is.vec.logical(x, thresh = 0.9)
is.vec.logical(x, thresh = 0.9)
x |
a vector to check for logical status |
thresh |
threshold to decide that a variable is logical. NA values will be ignored in the test. Then it looks at the proportion of values that are successfully coerced to logical without giving 'NA'. If this threshold is 0.9, then any column where at least 90 converted to logical type, will return TRUE for this function call. |
returns a logical TRUE or FALSE for the logical status of x.
Nicholas Cooper
numeric <- 1:10 string <- paste("one", "two", "three", "four") logic1 <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,NA) logic2 <- c("TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", NA, "TRUE", NA, NA, NA) logic3 <- c("True", "False", "True", "False") numlogic <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0) is.vec.logical(numeric) is.vec.logical(string) is.vec.logical(logic1) is.vec.logical(logic2) is.vec.logical(logic3) is.vec.logical(numlogic)
numeric <- 1:10 string <- paste("one", "two", "three", "four") logic1 <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,NA) logic2 <- c("TRUE", "FALSE", "TRUE", NA, "TRUE", NA, NA, NA) logic3 <- c("True", "False", "True", "False") numlogic <- c(0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0) is.vec.logical(numeric) is.vec.logical(string) is.vec.logical(logic1) is.vec.logical(logic2) is.vec.logical(logic3) is.vec.logical(numlogic)
This is an improvement on base:is.numeric because data may be encoded as a different type (e.g, string) especially if imported from a file.
is.vec.numeric(x, logical.is.numeric = FALSE, thresh = 0.9)
is.vec.numeric(x, logical.is.numeric = FALSE, thresh = 0.9)
x |
a vector to check for numeric status |
logical.is.numeric |
by default this is FALSE, which means logical vectors will return FALSE to being numeric. If set to TRUE, then a variable will get a return value of TRUE if it is based on numbers or appears to be of 'logical' type. |
thresh |
threshold to decide that a variable is numeric. NA values will be ignored in the test. Then it looks at the proportion of values that are successfully coerced to numeric without giving 'NA'. If this threshold is 0.9, then any column where at least 90 converted to numeric type, will return TRUE for this function call. |
returns a logical TRUE or FALSE for the numeric status of x.
Nicholas Cooper
numeric1 <- 1:10 numeric2 <- paste(1:10) string <- paste("one", "two", "three", "four") logic1 <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,NA) numericish <- paste(c(NA, NA, 6:10, "5|6", "7|8", 1)) is.vec.numeric(numeric1) is.vec.numeric(numeric2) is.vec.numeric(string) is.vec.numeric(logic1) is.vec.numeric(logic1, logical.is.numeric=TRUE) is.vec.numeric(numericish) is.vec.numeric(numericish, thresh=0.7)
numeric1 <- 1:10 numeric2 <- paste(1:10) string <- paste("one", "two", "three", "four") logic1 <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,NA) numericish <- paste(c(NA, NA, 6:10, "5|6", "7|8", 1)) is.vec.numeric(numeric1) is.vec.numeric(numeric2) is.vec.numeric(string) is.vec.numeric(logic1) is.vec.numeric(logic1, logical.is.numeric=TRUE) is.vec.numeric(numericish) is.vec.numeric(numericish, thresh=0.7)
Parses all functions called by an R script and then lists them by package. Wrapper for 'getParseData'. Inspired by 'hrbrmstr', on StackExchange 3/1/2015. May be of great use for those developing a package to help see what namespace 'importsFrom' calls will be required.
list.functions.in.file(filename, alphabetic = TRUE)
list.functions.in.file(filename, alphabetic = TRUE)
filename |
path to an R file containing R code. |
alphabetic |
logical, whether to list functions alphabetically. If FALSE, will list in order of appearance. |
Returns a list. Parses all functions called by an R script and then lists them by package. Those from the script itself are listed under '.GlobalEnv' and any functions that may originate from multiple packages have all possibilities listed. Those listed under 'character(0)' are those for which a package could not be found- may be functions within functions, or from packages that aren't loaded.
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
# not run: rfile <- file.choose() # choose an R script file with functions # not run: list.functions.in.file(rfile)
# not run: rfile <- file.choose() # choose an R script file with functions # not run: list.functions.in.file(rfile)
Places named objects in a list into the working environment as individual variables. Can be particularly helpful when you want to call a function that produces a list of multiple return variables; this gives a way to access them all at once in the environment from which the function was called.
list |
list, with named objects, each element will become a named variable in the current environment |
New variables will be added to the current environment. Use with care as any already existing with the same name will be overwritten.
list.to.env(list(myChar="a string", myNum=1234, myList=list("list within a list",c(1,2,3)))) print(myChar) print(myNum) print(myList) two.arg.return <- function(X) { return(list(Y=X+1,Z=X*10)) } result <- two.arg.return(11) # function returns list with 2 variables list.to.env(result) print(Y); print(Z)
list.to.env(list(myChar="a string", myNum=1234, myList=list("list within a list",c(1,2,3)))) print(myChar) print(myNum) print(myList) two.arg.return <- function(X) { return(list(Y=X+1,Z=X*10)) } result <- two.arg.return(11) # function returns list with 2 variables list.to.env(result) print(Y); print(Z)
Drawing a fit line usually requires some manual steps requiring several lines of code, such as ensuring the data is sorted by x, and for some functions doesn't contain missing values. This function takes care of these steps and automatically adds a loess fitline, or non-linear fitline. The type of scatter defaults to 'plot', but other scatter plot functions can be specified, such as graphics::smoothScatter(), for example. If 'file' is specifed, will automatically plot to a pdf of that name.
loess.scatter( x, y, file = NULL, loess = TRUE, span = 0.75, scatter = plot, ..., ylim = NULL, return.vectors = FALSE, fit.col = "red", fit.lwd = 2, fit.lty = "solid", fit.leg = TRUE, fit.r2 = TRUE, fast.loess = FALSE )
loess.scatter( x, y, file = NULL, loess = TRUE, span = 0.75, scatter = plot, ..., ylim = NULL, return.vectors = FALSE, fit.col = "red", fit.lwd = 2, fit.lty = "solid", fit.leg = TRUE, fit.r2 = TRUE, fast.loess = FALSE )
x |
data for the horizontal axis (independent variable) |
y |
data for the vertical axis (dependent variable) |
file |
file name for pdf export, leave as NULL if simply plotting to the GUI. File extension will be added automatically if missing |
loess |
logical, if TRUE, fit using loess(), else use a polynomial fit |
span |
numeric scalar, argument passed to the 'span' parameter of loess(), see ?loess for details |
scatter |
function, by default is graphics::plot(), but any scatter-plot function of the form F(x,y,...) can be used, for example graphics::smoothScatter(). |
... |
further arguments to the plot function specified by 'scatter', e.g, 'main', 'xlab', etc |
ylim |
numeric range for y axis, argument passed to plot(), see ?plot. |
return.vectors |
logical, if TRUE, do not plot anything, just return the x and y coordinates of the fit line as a list of vectors, x and y. |
fit.col |
colour of the fit line |
fit.lwd |
width of the fit line |
fit.lty |
type of the fit line |
fit.leg |
whether to include an automatic legend for the fit line (will alter the y-limits to fit) |
fit.r2 |
logical, whether to display r squared of the fit in the fit legend |
fast.loess |
logical, if TRUE will alter control parameters to make the loess calculation faster, which is useful for datasets with more than 1000 points. Also reduce the value of 'span' to increase speed. |
if file is a character argument, plots data x,y to a file, else will generate a plot to the current plotting environment/GUI. The display of the x,y points defaults to 'plot', but alternate scatter plot functions can be specified, such as graphics::smoothScatter() which used density smoothing, for example. Also, another option is to set return.vectors=TRUE, and then the coordinates of the fit line will be returned, and no plot will be produced.
library(NCmisc) require(KernSmooth) DD <- sim.cor(1000,4) # create a simulated, correlated dataset loess.scatter(DD[,3],DD[,4],loess=FALSE,bty="n",pch=".",cex=2) loess.scatter(DD[,3],DD[,4],scatter=smoothScatter) xy <- loess.scatter(DD[,3],DD[,4],return.vectors=TRUE) prv(xy) # preview the vectors produced
library(NCmisc) require(KernSmooth) DD <- sim.cor(1000,4) # create a simulated, correlated dataset loess.scatter(DD[,3],DD[,4],loess=FALSE,bty="n",pch=".",cex=2) loess.scatter(DD[,3],DD[,4],scatter=smoothScatter) xy <- loess.scatter(DD[,3],DD[,4],return.vectors=TRUE) prv(xy) # preview the vectors produced
Only requires a single line within a loop to run, in contrast with the built-in tracker which requires a line to initialise, and a line to close. Also has option to backup objects during long loops. Ideal for a loop with a counter such as a for loop. Tracks progress as either percentage of time remaining or by intermittently displaying the estimated number of minutes to go
loop.tracker( cc, max, st.time = NULL, sav.obj = NULL, sav.fn = NA, sav.freq = 10, unit = c("m", "s", "h")[1] )
loop.tracker( cc, max, st.time = NULL, sav.obj = NULL, sav.fn = NA, sav.freq = 10, unit = c("m", "s", "h")[1] )
cc |
integer, current value of the loop counter |
max |
integer, final value of the loop counter |
st.time |
'start time' when using 'time to go' mode, taken from a call to proc.time() |
sav.obj |
optionally an object to backup during the course of a very long loop, to restore in the event of a crash. |
sav.fn |
the file name to save 'save.obj' |
sav.freq |
how often to update 'sav.obj' to file, in terms of percentage of run-time |
unit |
time units h/m/s if using 'time to go' mode |
returns nothing, simply prints progress to the console
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
# simple example with a for-loop max <- 100; for (cc in 1:max) { loop.tracker(cc,max); wait(0.004,"s") } #example using the 'time to go' with a while loop cc <- 0; max <- 10; start <- proc.time() while(cc < max) { cc <- cc + 1; wait(0.05,"s"); loop.tracker(cc,max,start,unit="s") } # example with saving an object, and restoring after a crash X <- matrix(rnorm(5000),nrow=50); max <- nrow(X); sums <- numeric(max) for (cc in 1:max) { sums[cc] <- sum(X[cc,]) wait(.05) # just so this trivial loop doesn't finish so quickly loop.tracker(cc,max, sav.obj=sums, sav.fn="temp.rda", sav.freq=5); if(cc==29) { warning("faked a crash at iteration 29!"); rm(sums); break } } cat("\nloaded latest backup from iteration 28:",paste(load("temp.rda")),"\n") print(sav.obj); unlink("temp.rda")
# simple example with a for-loop max <- 100; for (cc in 1:max) { loop.tracker(cc,max); wait(0.004,"s") } #example using the 'time to go' with a while loop cc <- 0; max <- 10; start <- proc.time() while(cc < max) { cc <- cc + 1; wait(0.05,"s"); loop.tracker(cc,max,start,unit="s") } # example with saving an object, and restoring after a crash X <- matrix(rnorm(5000),nrow=50); max <- nrow(X); sums <- numeric(max) for (cc in 1:max) { sums[cc] <- sum(X[cc,]) wait(.05) # just so this trivial loop doesn't finish so quickly loop.tracker(cc,max, sav.obj=sums, sav.fn="temp.rda", sav.freq=5); if(cc==29) { warning("faked a crash at iteration 29!"); rm(sums); break } } cat("\nloaded latest backup from iteration 28:",paste(load("temp.rda")),"\n") print(sav.obj); unlink("temp.rda")
Summary of RAM footprint for all R objects in the current session. Not my function, but taken from an R-Help response by Elizabeth Purdom, at Berkeley. Simply applies the function 'object.size' to the objects in ls(). Also very similar to an example in the 'Help' for the utils::object.size() function.
memory.summary(unit = c("kb", "mb", "gb", "b"))
memory.summary(unit = c("kb", "mb", "gb", "b"))
unit |
default is to display "kb", but you can also choose "b"=bytes, "mb"= megabyte, or "gb" = gigabytes. Only the first letter is used, and is not case sensitive, so enter units how you like. |
a list of object names with memory usage in bytes
memory.summary() # shows memory used by all objects in the current session in kb memory.summary("mb") # change units to megabytes
memory.summary() # shows memory used by all objects in the current session in kb memory.summary("mb") # change units to megabytes
The mode is the most common value in a series. This function can return multiple values if there are equally most frequent values, and can also work with non-numeric types.
Mode(x, multi = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
Mode(x, multi = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
x |
The data to take the mode from. Dimensions and NA's are removed if possible, strings, factors, numeric all permitted |
multi |
Logical, whether to return multiple modes if values have equal frequency |
warn |
Logical, whether to give warnings when multiple values are found (if multi=FALSE) |
The most frequent value, or sorted set of most frequent values if multi==TRUE and there are more than one. Numeric if x is numeric, else as strings
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
Mode(c(1,2,3,3,4,4)) # 2 values are most common, as multi=FALSE, # selects the last value (after sort) Mode(c(1,2,3,3,4,4),multi=TRUE) # same test with multi=T, # returns both most frequent Mode(matrix(1:16,ncol=4),warn=TRUE) # takes mode of the entire # matrix treating as a vector, but all values occur once Mode(c("Tom","Dick","Harry"),multi=FALSE,warn=TRUE) # selects last # sorted value, but warns there are multiple modes Mode(c("Tom","Dick","Harry"),multi=TRUE,warn=TRUE) # multi==TRUE so # warning is negated
Mode(c(1,2,3,3,4,4)) # 2 values are most common, as multi=FALSE, # selects the last value (after sort) Mode(c(1,2,3,3,4,4),multi=TRUE) # same test with multi=T, # returns both most frequent Mode(matrix(1:16,ncol=4),warn=TRUE) # takes mode of the entire # matrix treating as a vector, but all values occur once Mode(c("Tom","Dick","Harry"),multi=FALSE,warn=TRUE) # selects last # sorted value, but warns there are multiple modes Mode(c("Tom","Dick","Harry"),multi=TRUE,warn=TRUE) # multi==TRUE so # warning is negated
Like 'require()' except it will attempt to install a package if necessary. Installation of bioconductor packages is deprecated. Useful if you wish to share code with people who may not have the same libraries as you, you can include a call to this function which will simply load the library if present, or else install, then load, if they do not have it.
must.use.package( pcknms, ask = FALSE, reload = FALSE, avail = FALSE, quietly = FALSE )
must.use.package( pcknms, ask = FALSE, reload = FALSE, avail = FALSE, quietly = FALSE )
pcknms |
list of packages to load/install |
ask |
whether to get the user's permission to install a required package, or just go ahead and do it |
reload |
indicates to reload the package even if loaded |
avail |
see whether pcknms are in the list of available CRAN packages |
quietly |
passed to library/require, display installation text or not |
nothing, simply loads the packages specified if possible
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
# not run : run if you are ok to install/already have these packages # must.use.package(c("MASS","nlme","lme4"),ask=FALSE) # search() # show packages have loaded, then detach them again: # sapply(paste("package",c("MASS","nlme","lme4"),sep=":"),detach,character.only=TRUE)
# not run : run if you are ok to install/already have these packages # must.use.package(c("MASS","nlme","lme4"),ask=FALSE) # search() # show packages have loaded, then detach them again: # sapply(paste("package",c("MASS","nlme","lme4"),sep=":"),detach,character.only=TRUE)
Convenience function, removes NAs from most standard objects. Uses function na.exclude for matrices and dataframes. Main difference to na.exlude is that it simply performs the transformation, without adding attributes For unknown types, leaves unchanged with a warning.
X |
The object to remove NAs, any vector, matrix or data.frame |
Vector minus NA's, or the matrix/data.frame minus NA rows. If it's a character vector then values of "NA" will also be excluded in addition to values = NA, so be careful if "NA" is a valid value of your character vector. Note that "NA" values occur when 'paste(...,NA,...)' is applied to a vector of any type, whereas 'as.character(...,NA,...)' avoids this.
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
narm(c(1,2,4,NA,5)) DF <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3), y = c(0, 10, NA)) DF; narm(DF) # if a list, will only completely remove NA from the lowest levels # empty places will be left at top levels print(narm(list(1,2,3,NA,list(1,2,3,NA))))
narm(c(1,2,4,NA,5)) DF <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3), y = c(0, 10, NA)) DF; narm(DF) # if a list, will only completely remove NA from the lowest levels # empty places will be left at top levels print(narm(list(1,2,3,NA,list(1,2,3,NA))))
Similar to the base function match() but allows for data where you won't find an exact match. Selects the nearest value from 'array' to the value 'point'. Sometimes there are multiple points with equal distance in which case choose from 3 possible 'dispute.method's for choosing which of the equidistant array values to index. returns the index of 'array' to which 'point' is nearest.
nearest.to(array, point, dispute.method = c("first", "last", "random"))
nearest.to(array, point, dispute.method = c("first", "last", "random"))
array |
a numeric vector or POSIXct vector of date-times. |
point |
the value that you want to find the nearest point to. |
dispute.method |
when there are equidistant values to 'point' in array, choose either the first, last, or a random select, based on the original order in 'array. |
index value of the nearest point in 'array'.
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
myArray <- 1:100 nearest.to(myArray, 7.7) nearest.to(myArray, 50.5) nearest.to(myArray, 50.5, dispute.method="last")
myArray <- 1:100 nearest.to(myArray, 7.7) nearest.to(myArray, 50.5) nearest.to(myArray, 50.5, dispute.method="last")
Importing data from csv files can often lead to numeric variables being coded as factors or strings. This will not work well with many R functions. This function provides a quick way to deal with this across a whole data frame while attempting to leave columns untouched that are not genuinely numeric data. In edge cases you might need to adjust 'threshold' to get the correct result, usually an issue if mostly numeric columns often have strings amongst them, for instance a column with mostly numbers, but occassionally pipe-separated values like '4.4|5.0|6.1', etc.
Numerify(df, except = NULL, force = FALSE, digits = NA, thresh = 0.9)
Numerify(df, except = NULL, force = FALSE, digits = NA, thresh = 0.9)
df |
data.frame to transform to numeric (where possible) |
except |
avoid changing any colnames in this array |
force |
force all columns to numeric without checking types |
digits |
if a non-NA integer value is used, will round numeric columns to this many decimal places after making numeric. |
thresh |
threshold to decide that a variable is numeric. NA values will be ignored in the test. Then it looks at the proportion of values that are successfully coerced to numeric without giving 'NA'. If this threshold is 0.9, then any column where at least 90 converted to numeric type, will be kept as numeric, else they will be left as they were. |
data.frame with numeric type for any applicable columns
Nicholas Cooper
df <- data.frame(first=c(1:5), second=paste(6:10), third=c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike")) sapply(sapply(df, is), "[", 1) # check type of each column dfN <- Numerify(df) sapply(sapply(dfN, is), "[", 1) # now second column is numeric df2 <- data.frame(first=c(1:10), second=paste(c(NA, NA, 6:10, "5|6", "7|8", 1)), third=rep(c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike"),2)) sapply(sapply(df2, is), "[", 1) df2N1 <- Numerify(df2, thresh=0.7) df2N2 <- Numerify(df2, thresh=0.8) sapply(sapply(df2N1, is), "[", 1) # at this threshold second column goes to numeric sapply(sapply(df2N2, is), "[", 1) # second column stays a string at this threshold
df <- data.frame(first=c(1:5), second=paste(6:10), third=c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike")) sapply(sapply(df, is), "[", 1) # check type of each column dfN <- Numerify(df) sapply(sapply(dfN, is), "[", 1) # now second column is numeric df2 <- data.frame(first=c(1:10), second=paste(c(NA, NA, 6:10, "5|6", "7|8", 1)), third=rep(c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike"),2)) sapply(sapply(df2, is), "[", 1) df2N1 <- Numerify(df2, thresh=0.7) df2N2 <- Numerify(df2, thresh=0.8) sapply(sapply(df2N1, is), "[", 1) # at this threshold second column goes to numeric sapply(sapply(df2N2, is), "[", 1) # second column stays a string at this threshold
For a subset 'n' and total 'N', nicely prints text n/N and/or percentage Often we want to display proportions and this simple function reduces the required amount of code for fraction and percentage reporting. If insufficient digits are provided small percentage may truncate to zero.
out.of(n, N = 100, digits = 2, pc = TRUE, oo = TRUE, use.sci = FALSE)
out.of(n, N = 100, digits = 2, pc = TRUE, oo = TRUE, use.sci = FALSE)
n |
numeric, the count for the subset of N (the numerator) |
N |
numeric, the total size of the full set (the denominator) |
digits |
integer, the number of digits to display in the percentage |
pc |
logical, whether to display the percentage of N that n comprises |
oo |
logical, whether to display n/N as a fraction |
use.sci |
logical, whether to allow scientific notation for small/large percentages. |
A string showing the fraction n/N and percentage (or just one of these)
out.of(345,12144) out.of(345,12144,pc=FALSE) out.of(3,10^6,digits=6,oo=FALSE) out.of(3,10^6,digits=6,oo=FALSE,use.sci=TRUE)
out.of(345,12144) out.of(345,12144,pc=FALSE) out.of(3,10^6,digits=6,oo=FALSE) out.of(3,10^6,digits=6,oo=FALSE,use.sci=TRUE)
Simple conversion of two-tailed p-values to Z-scores. Written in a way that allows maximum precision for small p-values.
p |
p-values (between 0 and 1), numeric, scalar, vector or matrix, or other types coercible using as.numeric() |
Z scores with the same dimension as the input
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
p.to.Z(0.0001) p.to.Z("5E-8") p.to.Z(c(".05",".01",".005")) p.to.Z(matrix(runif(16),nrow=4))
p.to.Z(0.0001) p.to.Z("5E-8") p.to.Z(c(".05",".01",".005")) p.to.Z(matrix(runif(16),nrow=4))
Returns TRUE if the whole set of packages entered has been loaded, or FALSE otherwise. This can be useful when developing a package where there is optional functionality depending if another package is in use (but the other package is not part of 'depends' because it is not essential). Because 'require' cannot be used within functions submitted as part of a CRAN package.
packages.loaded(pcks = "", ..., cran.check = FALSE, repos = getRepositories())
packages.loaded(pcks = "", ..., cran.check = FALSE, repos = getRepositories())
pcks |
character, a package name, or vector of names, if left blank will return all loaded |
... |
further package names as character (same as entering via pcks, but avoids need for c() in pcks) |
cran.check |
logical, in the case at least one package is not found, whether to search CRAN and see whether the package(s) even exist on CRAN. |
repos |
repository to use if package is not loaded and cran.check=TRUE, if NULL, will attempt to use the repository in getOptions("repos") or will default to the imperial.ac.uk mirror. Otherwise the default is to use all available repositories from getRepositories() |
logical TRUE or FALSE whether the whole list of packages are available
Nicholas Cooper
packages.loaded("NCmisc","reader") packages.loaded() # no argument means all loaded packages are listed
packages.loaded("NCmisc","reader") packages.loaded() # no argument means all loaded packages are listed
Print a vector with appropriate padding so each has equal char length.
pad.left(X, char = " ", numdigits = NA)
pad.left(X, char = " ", numdigits = NA)
X |
vector of data to pad to equal length |
char |
character to pad with, space is default, but zero might be a desirable choice for padding numbers |
numdigits |
if using numeric data, the number of digits to keep |
returns the vector in character format with equal nchar()
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
pad.left(1:10) phone.numbers <- c("07429719234","7876345123","7123543765") pad.left(phone.numbers,"0") pad.left(rnorm(10),numdigits=3)
pad.left(1:10) phone.numbers <- c("07429719234","7876345123","7123543765") pad.left(phone.numbers,"0") pad.left(rnorm(10),numdigits=3)
Finds the top and bottom bounds corresponding to percentile 'pc' of the data 'dat'.
pctile(dat, pc = 0.01)
pctile(dat, pc = 0.01)
dat |
numeric vector of data |
pc |
the percentile to seek, c(pc, 1-pc) |
returns the upper and lower threshold
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
pctile(rnorm(100000),.025) pctile(sample(100),.9)
pctile(rnorm(100000),.025) pctile(sample(100),.9)
Estimate the probability of your hypothesis being true, given the observed p-value and a prior probability of the hypothesis being true.
ppa(p = 0.05, prior = 0.5, BF = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
ppa(p = 0.05, prior = 0.5, BF = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
p |
p-value you want to test [p<0.367], or 'bayes factor' |
prior |
prior odds for the hypothesis (Ha) being tested |
BF |
logical, set to TRUE if you have entered a bayes factor as 'p' rather than a p-value |
quiet |
logical, whether to display verbose information for calculation |
prints calculations, then returns the posterior probability of association given the observed p-value under the specified prior
Equations 1, 2 from http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1038/nrg2615 Equations 2, 3 from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1198/000313001300339950
ps <- rep(c(.05,.01),3) prs <- rep(c(.05,.50,.90),each=2) mapply(ps,prs,FUN=ppa) # replicate Nuzzo 2014 table # try with bayes factors ppa(BF=3,prior=.9) ppa(BF=10,prior=.5)
ps <- rep(c(.05,.01),3) prs <- rep(c(.05,.50,.90),each=2) mapply(ps,prs,FUN=ppa) # replicate Nuzzo 2014 table # try with bayes factors ppa(BF=3,prior=.9) ppa(BF=10,prior=.5)
A versatile function to compactly display most common R objects. Will return the object name, type, dimension, and a compact representation of object contents, for instance using prv.large() to display matrices, so as to not overload the console for large objects. Useful for debugging, can be placed inside loops and functions to track values, dimensions, and data types. Particularly when debugging complex code, the automatic display of the variable name prevents confusion versus using regular print statements. By listing variables to track as character(), provides 'cat()' output of compact and informative variable state information, e.g, variable name, value, datatype and dimension. Can also specify array or list elements, or custom labels. prv() is the same as preview() except it can take objects without using double quotes and has no 'labels' command (and doesn't need one).
preview( varlist, labels = NULL, counts = NULL, assume.char = FALSE, prv.call = FALSE )
preview( varlist, labels = NULL, counts = NULL, assume.char = FALSE, prv.call = FALSE )
varlist |
character vector, the list of variable(s) to report, which will trigger automatic labelling of the variable name, otherwise if entered as the variable value (ie. without quotes, then will by default be displayed as 'unknown variable') |
labels |
will label 'unknown variables' (see above) if entered as variables without quotes |
counts |
a list of array index values; so if calling during a counting loop, the value can be reported each iteration, also printing the count index; if the list is named the name will also appear, e.g, variable[count=1]. This list must be the same length as varlist (and labels if not NULL), and each element [[i]] must contain as many values as the original corresponding varlist[i] has dimensions. The dimensions must result in a 1x1 scalar |
assume.char |
usually 'varlist' is a character vector of variable names, but in the case that it is actually a character variable, using assume.char=TRUE will ensure that it will be assumed the character variable is the object to preview, rather than a list of variable names. So long as none of the values are found to be variable names in the global environment. preview() can also find variables in local environments, and if this is where the target variable lies, it is best to use assume.char=FALSE, otherwise the search for alternative environments might not happen. Note that in most cases the automatic detection of the input should understand what you want, regardless of the value of assume.char. |
prv.call |
It is recommended to always leave this argument as FALSE when calling preview() directly. If set to TRUE, it will first search 2 generations back for the parent frame, instead of one, as it will assume that the variable(s) to preview are not directly called by preview(), but through a wrapper for preview, such as prv(). |
# create variables of different types to show output styles # testvar1 <- 193 testvar2 <- "Atol" testvar3 <- c(1:10) testvar4 <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25) testvar5 <- list(first="test",second=testvar4,third=100:110) preview("testvar1") preview("testvar4") preview(paste("testvar",1:5,sep="")) preview(testvar1,"myvarname") preview(testvar1) # examples with loops and multiple dimensions / lists for (cc in 1:4) { for (dd in 1:4) { preview("testvar4",counts=list(cc,dd)) }} for (dd in 1:3) { preview("testvar5",counts=list(dd=dd)) }
# create variables of different types to show output styles # testvar1 <- 193 testvar2 <- "Atol" testvar3 <- c(1:10) testvar4 <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25) testvar5 <- list(first="test",second=testvar4,third=100:110) preview("testvar1") preview("testvar4") preview(paste("testvar",1:5,sep="")) preview(testvar1,"myvarname") preview(testvar1) # examples with loops and multiple dimensions / lists for (cc in 1:4) { for (dd in 1:4) { preview("testvar4",counts=list(cc,dd)) }} for (dd in 1:3) { preview("testvar5",counts=list(dd=dd)) }
Same as preview but no labels command, and input is without quotes and should be plain variable names of existing variables (no indices, args, etc) A versatile function to compactly display most common R objects. Will return the object name, type, dimension, and a compact representation of object contents, for instance using prv.large() to display matrices, so as to not overload the console for large objects. Useful for debugging, can be placed inside loops and functions to track values, dimensions, and data types. Particularly when debugging complex code, the automatic display of the variable name prevents confusion versus using regular print statements. By listing variables to track as character(), provides 'cat()' output of compact and informative variable state information, e.g, variable name, value, datatype and dimension. Can also specify array or list elements, or custom labels. prv() is the same as preview() except it can take objects without using double quotes and has no 'labels' command (and doesn't need one). If expressions are entered rather than variable names, then prv() will attempt to pass the arguments to preview(). prv() assumes that the variable(s) to report originate from the environment calling prv(), and if not found there, then it will search through all accessible environments starting with the global environment, and then will report the first instance found, which in exceptional circumstances (be warned) may not be the instance you intended to retrieve.
prv(..., counts = NULL)
prv(..., counts = NULL)
... |
series of variable(s) to report, separated by commas, which will trigger automatic labelling of the variable name |
counts |
a list of array index values; so if calling during a counting loop, the value can be reported each iteration, also printing the count index; if the list is named the name will also appear, e.g, variable[count=1]. This list must be the same length as the variable list ... , and each element [[i]] must contain as many values as the original corresponding variable list[i] has dimensions |
# create variables of different types to show output styles # testvar1 <- 193 testvar2 <- "Atol" testvar3 <- c(1:10) testvar4 <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25) testvar5 <- list(first="test",second=testvar4,third=100:110) preview("testvar1"); prv(testvar1) prv(testvar1,testvar2,testvar3,testvar4) prv(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25)) # expression sent to preview() with no label prv(193) # fails as there are no object names involved
# create variables of different types to show output styles # testvar1 <- 193 testvar2 <- "Atol" testvar3 <- c(1:10) testvar4 <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25) testvar5 <- list(first="test",second=testvar4,third=100:110) preview("testvar1"); prv(testvar1) prv(testvar1,testvar2,testvar3,testvar4) prv(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=25)) # expression sent to preview() with no label prv(193) # fails as there are no object names involved
This function prints the first and last columns and rows of a matrix, and more, if desired. Allows previewing of a matrix without overloading the console. Most useful when data has row and column names.
prv.large( largeMat, rows = 3, cols = 2, digits = 4, rL = "Row#", rlab = "rownames", clab = "colnames", rownums = T, ret = FALSE, warn = TRUE )
prv.large( largeMat, rows = 3, cols = 2, digits = 4, rL = "Row#", rlab = "rownames", clab = "colnames", rownums = T, ret = FALSE, warn = TRUE )
largeMat |
a matrix |
rows |
number of rows to display |
cols |
number of columns to display |
digits |
number of digits to display for numeric data |
rL |
row label to describe the row names/numbers, e.g, row number, ID, etc |
rlab |
label to describe the data rows |
clab |
label to describe the data columns |
rownums |
logical, whether to display rownumbers or ignore them |
ret |
logical, whether to return the result as a formatted object, or just print to console |
warn |
logical, whether to warn if the object type is not supported |
mat <- matrix(rnorm(1000),nrow=50) rownames(mat) <- paste("ID",1:50,sep="") colnames(mat) <- paste("Var",1:20,sep="") prv.large(mat) prv.large(mat,rows=9,cols=4,digits=1,rlab="samples",clab="variables",rownums=FALSE)
mat <- matrix(rnorm(1000),nrow=50) rownames(mat) <- paste("ID",1:50,sep="") colnames(mat) <- paste("Var",1:20,sep="") prv.large(mat) prv.large(mat,rows=9,cols=4,digits=1,rlab="samples",clab="variables",rownums=FALSE)
To simple replace missing data without changing column means. This will also use criteria to decide whether each column is numeric, so that illegal operations aren't performed on strings, etc. Also adjusting the 'error' parameter allows adding variance to the missing observations to help to reduce bias associated with inserting many of the same replacement value.
replace.missing.df( X, repl.fun = mean, error = 0, thresh = 0.9, digits = 99, force = FALSE )
replace.missing.df( X, repl.fun = mean, error = 0, thresh = 0.9, digits = 99, force = FALSE )
X |
a data.frame to replace missing values in |
repl.fun |
the function to perform the replacement. Default is 'mean'. A replacement should take a vector 'x' and produce a single scalar as a result. |
error |
default value is 0, meaning replacements will be all the same value for each column of the data.frame X. If you give a positive value, this amount of gaussian noise (in StDev units of the original variable) will be added to the replacement values. |
thresh |
passed to function 'is.vec.numeric', see explanation there. |
digits |
Trim replacement values to this many digits |
force |
TRUE means replace missing for all columns with testing for numeric |
returns a data.frame with the same dimensions with missing values for numeric values imputed using the repl.fun function, optionally with noise added.
Nicholas Cooper
df <- data.frame(first=c(1,2,NA,4,5), second=paste(c(6,7,8,NA,10)), third=c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike")) df replace.missing.df(df) replace.missing.df(df, force=TRUE) df2 <- data.frame(first=c(1:5, NA, NA, NA,9, 10), second=paste(c(NA, NA, 6:10, "5|6", "7|8", 1)), third=rep(c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike"),2)) df2 replace.missing.df(df2) replace.missing.df(df2, thresh=0.7) replace.missing.df(df2, error = 1, thresh=0.7, digits=4)
df <- data.frame(first=c(1,2,NA,4,5), second=paste(c(6,7,8,NA,10)), third=c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike")) df replace.missing.df(df) replace.missing.df(df, force=TRUE) df2 <- data.frame(first=c(1:5, NA, NA, NA,9, 10), second=paste(c(NA, NA, 6:10, "5|6", "7|8", 1)), third=rep(c("jake", "fred", "cathy", "sandra", "mike"),2)) df2 replace.missing.df(df2) replace.missing.df(df2, thresh=0.7) replace.missing.df(df2, error = 1, thresh=0.7, digits=4)
Create a html index for an R function file by looking for functions, add descriptions using comments directly next to the function() command. Note that if too much code other than well-formatted functions is in the file then the result is likely not to be a nicely formatted index.
Rfile.index(fn, below = TRUE, fn.out = "out.htm", skip.indent = TRUE)
Rfile.index(fn, below = TRUE, fn.out = "out.htm", skip.indent = TRUE)
fn |
an R file containing functions in standard R script |
below |
whether to search for comment text below or above the function() calls |
fn.out |
optional name for the output file, else will be based on the name of the input file |
skip.indent |
whether to skip functions that are indented, the assumption being they are functions within functions |
creates an html file with name and description of each function
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
# not run: rfile <- file.choose() # choose an R script file with functions # not run: out <- Rfile.index(rfile,fn.out="temp.htm") # unlink("temp.htm") # run once you've inspected this file in a browser
# not run: rfile <- file.choose() # choose an R script file with functions # not run: out <- Rfile.index(rfile,fn.out="temp.htm") # unlink("temp.htm") # run once you've inspected this file in a browser
Convenience function, it's very easy to set names to NULL, but this requires a dedicated line of code. Using this function can make your code simpler.
X |
object for which you want to remove name |
the original object but without names
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
x <- c(boo=1, hiss=2) rmv.names(x) X <- list(testing=c(1,2,3), thankyou=TRUE) rmv.names(X)
x <- c(boo=1, hiss=2) rmv.names(x) X <- list(testing=c(1,2,3), thankyou=TRUE) rmv.names(X)
Remove leading and trailing spaces (or other character).
rmv.spc(str, before = TRUE, after = TRUE, char = " ")
rmv.spc(str, before = TRUE, after = TRUE, char = " ")
str |
character vector, may containing leading or trailing chars |
before |
logical, whether to remove leading spaces |
after |
logical, whether to remove trailing spaces |
char |
an alternative character to be removed instead of spaces |
returns vectors without the leading/trailing characters
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
rmv.spc(" mid sentence ") rmv.spc("0012300",after=FALSE,char="0") rmv.spc(" change nothing ",after=FALSE,before=FALSE)
rmv.spc(" mid sentence ") rmv.spc("0012300",after=FALSE,char="0") rmv.spc(" change nothing ",after=FALSE,before=FALSE)
Can be useful for trying to find new packages for a particular purpose. No need for these packages to be installed or loaded. Further searching can be done using utils::RSiteSearch()
search.cran(txt, repos = "", all.repos = FALSE)
search.cran(txt, repos = "", all.repos = FALSE)
txt |
text to search for, a character vector, not case-sensitive |
repos |
repository(s) (CRAN mirror) to use, "" defaults to getOption("repos") |
all.repos |
logical, if TRUE, then use all available repositories from getRepositories() |
list of hits for each keyword (txt)
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
## not run # repos <- "http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/" # OR: repos <- getOption("repos") ## not run # search.cran("draw") ## not run # search.cran(c("hmm", "markov", "hidden"))
## not run # repos <- "http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/" # OR: repos <- getOption("repos") ## not run # search.cran("draw") ## not run # search.cran(c("hmm", "markov", "hidden"))
Simulate a dataset with correlated measures (normal simulation with e.g, rnorm() usually only gives small randomly distributed correlations between variables). This is a quick and unsophisticated method, but should be able to provide a dataset with slightly more realistic structure than simple rnorm() type functions. Varying the last three parameters gives some control on the way the data is generated. It starts with a seed random variable, then creates 'k' random variables with an expected correlation of r=genr() with that seed variable. Then after this, one of the variables in the set (including the seed) is randomly selected to run through the same process of generating 'k' new variables; this is repeated until columns are full up. 'mix.order' then randomizes the column order destroying the relationship between column number and correlation structure, although in some cases, such relationships might be desired as representative of some real life datasets.
sim.cor( nrow = 100, ncol = 100, genx = rnorm, genr = runif, k = 3, mix.order = TRUE )
sim.cor( nrow = 100, ncol = 100, genx = rnorm, genr = runif, k = 3, mix.order = TRUE )
nrow |
integer, number of rows to simulate |
ncol |
integer, number of columns to simulate |
genx |
the generating function for data, e.g rnorm(), runif(), etc |
genr |
the generating function for desired correlation, e.g, runif() |
k |
number of steps generating from the same seed before choosing a new seed |
mix.order |
whether to randomize the column order after simulating |
Nicholas Cooper
corDat <- sim.cor(200,5) prv(corDat) # preview of simulated normal data with r uniformly varying cor(corDat) # correlation matrix corDat <- sim.cor(500,4,genx=runif,genr=function(x) { 0.5 },mix.order=FALSE) prv(corDat) # preview of simulated uniform data with r fixed at 0.5 cor(corDat) # correlation matrix
corDat <- sim.cor(200,5) prv(corDat) # preview of simulated normal data with r uniformly varying cor(corDat) # correlation matrix corDat <- sim.cor(500,4,genx=runif,genr=function(x) { 0.5 },mix.order=FALSE) prv(corDat) # preview of simulated uniform data with r fixed at 0.5 cor(corDat) # correlation matrix
Retrieve a simple representation of date_time or just date, for generating day/time specific file names, etc.
simple.date(sep = "_", long = FALSE, time = TRUE)
simple.date(sep = "_", long = FALSE, time = TRUE)
sep |
character, separator to use for the date/time, eg, underscore or <space> " ". |
long |
logical, whether to display a longer version of the date and time, or just a simple version |
time |
logical, whether to include the time, or just the date |
A string containing the date: MMMDD and optionally time HRam/pm. Or if long=TRUE, a longer representation: DAY MM DD HH.MM.SS YYYY.
simple.date() simple.date(" ",long=TRUE) simple.date(time=FALSE)
simple.date() simple.date(" ",long=TRUE) simple.date(time=FALSE)
Returns 'char' X_i number of times for each element i of X. Useful for padding for alignment purposes.
spc(X, char = " ")
spc(X, char = " ")
X |
numeric vector of number of repeats |
char |
The character to repeat (longer will be shortened) |
returns vectors of strings of char, lengths X
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
cat(paste(spc(9),"123\n")) cat(paste(spc(8),"1234\n")) spc(c(1:5),".")
cat(paste(spc(9),"123\n")) cat(paste(spc(8),"1234\n")) spc(c(1:5),".")
Transform a vector to z scores by subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation
X |
numeric vector to standardize |
vector of the same length in standardised form
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
x1 <- rnorm(10,100,15); x2 <- sample(10) print(x1) ; standardize(x1) print(x2) ; standardize(x2)
x1 <- rnorm(10,100,15); x2 <- sample(10) print(x1) ; standardize(x1) print(x2) ; standardize(x2)
Equivalent to the base function substitute() but can do any length of arguments instead of just one. Converts the objects in parentheses into text arguments as if they had been entered with double quote strings. The objects must exist and be accessible in the environment the function is called from for the function to work (same as for substitute()). One application for this is to be able to create functions where object arguments can be entered without quotation marks (simpler), or where you want to use the name of the object as well as the data in the object.
Substitute(x = NULL, ...)
Substitute(x = NULL, ...)
x |
compulsory, simply the first object in the list, no difference to any further objects |
... |
any further objects to return string names for. |
character list of x,... object names
Nicholas Cooper
myvar <- list(test=c(1,2,3)); var2 <- "testme"; var3 <- 10:14 print(myvar) # single variable case, equivalent to base::substitute() print(substitute(myvar)) print(Substitute(myvar)) # multi variable case, substitute won't work Substitute(myvar,var2,var3) # prv() is a wrapper for preview() allowing arguments without parentheses # which is achieved internally by passing the arguments to Substitute() preview(c("myvar","var2","var3")) prv(myvar,var2,var3)
myvar <- list(test=c(1,2,3)); var2 <- "testme"; var3 <- 10:14 print(myvar) # single variable case, equivalent to base::substitute() print(substitute(myvar)) print(Substitute(myvar)) # multi variable case, substitute won't work Substitute(myvar,var2,var3) # prv() is a wrapper for preview() allowing arguments without parentheses # which is achieved internally by passing the arguments to Substitute() preview(c("myvar","var2","var3")) prv(myvar,var2,var3)
This function will parse the current workspace to see what R datasets are available. Using the toHTML function from the 'tools' package to interpret the data() call, each dataset is examined in turn for type and dimensionality. Can also use a filter for dataset types, to only show, for instance, matrix datasets. Also you can specify whether to only look for base datasets, or to search for datasets in all available packages. Result is a printout to the console of the available datasets and their characteristics.
summarise.r.datasets( filter = FALSE, types = c("data.frame", "matrix"), all = FALSE, ... )
summarise.r.datasets( filter = FALSE, types = c("data.frame", "matrix"), all = FALSE, ... )
filter |
logical, whether to filter datasets by 'types' |
types |
if filter=TRUE, which data types to include in the result |
all |
logical, if all=TRUE, look for datasets in all available packages, else just base |
... |
if all is false, further arguments to the data() function to search datasets |
Nicholas Cooper
summarise.r.datasets() summarise.r.datasets(filter=TRUE,"matrix")
summarise.r.datasets() summarise.r.datasets(filter=TRUE,"matrix")
Wrapper for the base function summary() but adds standard deviation, standard error, and an 'N' and missing 'NA' count that are consistent.
summary2(x, digits = NULL, neaten.names = TRUE)
summary2(x, digits = NULL, neaten.names = TRUE)
x |
vector of numeric data |
digits |
number of digits to round resulting values to |
neaten.names |
logical, TRUE removes period and space from names of the results returned by summary() to make the names better for use in a data.frame. |
array of descriptive statistics for x
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
x <- 1:100 summary2(x, digits=2) summary2(c(x, NA, NA), digits=2)
x <- 1:100 summary2(x, digits=2) summary2(c(x, NA, NA), digits=2)
Wrapper for the base table() function that includes zero counts - useful to get consistent dimensions across multiple runs with different responding patterns Forces a 2d table with every possible cell (allow zero counts) Only for tables where there are two vectors entered, while the base function allows for more, or also allows just 1. If the wrong arguments are entered, attempts to pass the input to the base version of 'table' instead.
table2d( ..., col, row, rn = NULL, cn = NULL, use.order = TRUE, remove.na = FALSE )
table2d( ..., col, row, rn = NULL, cn = NULL, use.order = TRUE, remove.na = FALSE )
... |
vector arguments, see input for base:table() function |
col |
categories to include as columns of the table |
row |
categories to include as rows of the table |
rn |
optionally replace the raw value names with desired row names. Must be same length as 'row'. |
cn |
optionally replace the raw value names with desired column names. Must be same length as 'col'. |
use.order |
TRUE to use the order in 'col' and 'row' for table, otherwise use the default order of table() - which is usually alphabetical |
remove.na |
remove NA values from row/col if present |
returns a table, just like the base:table() function but the row and column names are fixed regardless of count
Nicholas Cooper
nm <- c("Mike", "Anna", "John", "Tony") vec_r <- sample(tolower(nm)[c(1,3,4)], 50, replace=TRUE) vec_c <- sample(c(1,2,4,5), 50, replace=TRUE) table(vec_r, vec_c) table2d(vec_r, vec_c, row=tolower(nm), col=paste(1:5)) table2d(vec_r, vec_c, row=tolower(nm), col=paste(1:5), use.order = FALSE) table2d(vec_r, vec_c, row=tolower(nm), col=paste(1:5), rn=nm, cn=c("I", "II", "III", "IV", "V"))
nm <- c("Mike", "Anna", "John", "Tony") vec_r <- sample(tolower(nm)[c(1,3,4)], 50, replace=TRUE) vec_c <- sample(c(1,2,4,5), 50, replace=TRUE) table(vec_r, vec_c) table2d(vec_r, vec_c, row=tolower(nm), col=paste(1:5)) table2d(vec_r, vec_c, row=tolower(nm), col=paste(1:5), use.order = FALSE) table2d(vec_r, vec_c, row=tolower(nm), col=paste(1:5), rn=nm, cn=c("I", "II", "III", "IV", "V"))
Uses a call to base::hist(...) and uses the densities to make a a text histogram in the console Particularly useful when working in the terminal without graphics.
textogram(X, range = NA, ...)
textogram(X, range = NA, ...)
X |
numeric vector of data |
range |
optional sub-range of X to test; c(low,high) |
... |
additional arguments passed to base::hist() |
outputs an ascii histogram to the console
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
textogram(runif(100000)) textogram(rnorm(10000),range=c(-3,3))
textogram(runif(100000)) textogram(rnorm(10000),range=c(-3,3))
A wrapper for the proftools package Rprof() function. It is to Rprof() as system.time() is to proc.time() (base) Useful for identifying which functions are taking the most time. This procedure will return an error unless expr takes more than ~0.1 seconds to evaluate. I could not see any simple way to avoid this limitation. Occassionally other errors are produced for no apparent reason which are due to issues within the proftools package that are out of my control.
timeit(expr, suppressResult = F, total.time = TRUE)
timeit(expr, suppressResult = F, total.time = TRUE)
expr |
an expression, must take at least 1 second (roughly) |
suppressResult |
logical, if true, will return timing information rather than the result of expr |
total.time |
to sort by total.time, else by self.time |
returns matrix where rows are function names, and columns are self.time and total.time. total.time is total time spent in that function, including function calls made by that function. self.time doesn't count other functions within a function
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
# this function writes and removes a temporary file # run only if ok to do this in your temporary directory #not run# timeit(wait(0.1,"s") ,total.time=TRUE) #not run# timeit(wait(0.1,"s") ,total.time=FALSE)
# this function writes and removes a temporary file # run only if ok to do this in your temporary directory #not run# timeit(wait(0.1,"s") ,total.time=TRUE) #not run# timeit(wait(0.1,"s") ,total.time=FALSE)
Return a string with each first letter of each word in upper case.
toheader(txt, strict = FALSE)
toheader(txt, strict = FALSE)
txt |
a character string |
strict |
whether to force non-leading letters to lowercase |
Vector minus NA's, or the matrix/data.frame minus NA rows
via R Core
toheader(c("using AIC for model selection")) toheader(c("using AIC", "for MODEL selection"), strict=TRUE)
toheader(c("using AIC for model selection")) toheader(c("using AIC", "for MODEL selection"), strict=TRUE)
This function runs the unix 'top' command and returns the overall CPU and RAM usage, and optionally the table of processes and resource use for each. Works only with unix-based systems such as Mac OS X and Linux, where 'top' is installed. Default is to return CPU and RAM overall stats, to get detailed stats instead, set Table=TRUE.
top( CPU = !Table, RAM = !Table, Table = FALSE, procs = 20, mem.key = NULL, cpu.key = NULL )
top( CPU = !Table, RAM = !Table, Table = FALSE, procs = 20, mem.key = NULL, cpu.key = NULL )
logical, whether to return overall CPU usage information |
logical, whether to return overall RAM usage information |
Table |
logical, whether to return system information for separate processes. This is returned as table with all of the same columns as a command line 'top' command. If 'Table=TRUE' is set, then the default becomes not to return the overall CPU/RAM usage stats. The dataframe returned will have been sorted by descending memory usage. |
procs |
integer, if Table=TRUE, then the maximum number of processes to return (default 20) |
mem.key |
character, default for Linux is 'mem' and for Mac OS X, 'physmem', but if the 'top' command on your system displays memory usage using a different label, then enter it here (case insensitive) to override defaults. |
cpu.key |
character, default for Linux and Mac OS X is 'cpu', but if the top command on your system displays CPU usage using a different label, then enter it here. |
a list containing CPU and RAM usage, or with alternate parameters can return stats for each process
Nicholas Cooper
# not run # top() # not run # top(Table=TRUE,proc=5)
# not run # top() # not run # top(Table=TRUE,proc=5)
Allows unlisting preserving the top levels of a list. Can specify the number of list depth levels to skip before running unlist()
Unlist(obj, depth = 1)
Unlist(obj, depth = 1)
obj |
the list to unlist |
depth |
skip to what layer of the list before unlisting; eg. the base unlist() function would correspond to depth=0 |
returns vectors of strings of char, lengths X
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
complex.list <- list(1,1:3,list(2,2:4,list(3,3:4,list(10))),list(4,5:7,list(3))) Unlist(complex.list,0) # equivalent to unlist() Unlist(complex.list,1) # unlist within the top level lists Unlist(complex.list,2) # unlist within the second level lists Unlist(complex.list,10) # once depth >= list-depth, no difference unlist(complex.list,recursive=FALSE) # not the same as any of the above
complex.list <- list(1,1:3,list(2,2:4,list(3,3:4,list(10))),list(4,5:7,list(3))) Unlist(complex.list,0) # equivalent to unlist() Unlist(complex.list,1) # unlist within the top level lists Unlist(complex.list,2) # unlist within the second level lists Unlist(complex.list,10) # once depth >= list-depth, no difference unlist(complex.list,recursive=FALSE) # not the same as any of the above
Waits a number of hours minutes or seconds (doing nothing). Note that this 'waiting' will use 100
wait(dur, unit = "s", silent = TRUE)
wait(dur, unit = "s", silent = TRUE)
dur |
waiting time |
unit |
time units h/m/s, seconds are the default |
silent |
print text showing that waiting is in progress |
no return value
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
wait(.25,silent=FALSE) # wait 0.25 seconds wait(0.005, "m") wait(0.0001, "Hours", silent=FALSE)
wait(.25,silent=FALSE) # wait 0.25 seconds wait(0.005, "m") wait(0.0001, "Hours", silent=FALSE)
Performs simplistic outlier detection and returns indexes for outliers. Acts like the which() function, return indices of elements of a vector satisfying the condition, which by default are outliers exceeding 2 SD above or below the mean. However, the threshold can be specified, only high or low values can be considered outliers, and percentile and interquartile range thresholds can also be used.
which.outlier( x, thr = 2, method = c("sd", "iq", "pc"), high = TRUE, low = TRUE )
which.outlier( x, thr = 2, method = c("sd", "iq", "pc"), high = TRUE, low = TRUE )
x |
numeric, or coercible, the vector to test for outliers |
thr |
numeric, threshold for cutoff, e.g, when method="sd", standard deviations, when 'iq', interquartile ranges (thr=1.5 is most typical here), or when 'pc', you might select the extreme 1%, 5%, etc. |
method |
character, one of "sd","iq" or "pc", selecting whether to test for outliers by standard deviation, interquartile range, or percentile. |
high |
logical, whether to test for outliers greater than the mean |
low |
logical, whether to test for outliers less than the mean |
indexes of the vector x that are outliers according to either a SD cutoff, interquartile range, or percentile threshold, above (high) and/or below (low) the mean/median.
test.vec <- rnorm(200) summary(test.vec) ii <- which.outlier(test.vec) # 2 SD outliers prv(ii); vals <- test.vec[ii]; prv(vals) ii <- which.outlier(test.vec,1.5,"iq") # e.g, 'stars' on a box-plot prv(ii) ii <- which.outlier(test.vec,5,"pc",low=FALSE) # only outliers >mean prv(ii)
test.vec <- rnorm(200) summary(test.vec) ii <- which.outlier(test.vec) # 2 SD outliers prv(ii); vals <- test.vec[ii]; prv(vals) ii <- which.outlier(test.vec,1.5,"iq") # e.g, 'stars' on a box-plot prv(ii) ii <- which.outlier(test.vec,5,"pc",low=FALSE) # only outliers >mean prv(ii)
Simple conversion of Z-scores to two-tailed p-values. Written in a way that allows maximum precision for small p-values.
Z.to.p(Z, warn = FALSE)
Z.to.p(Z, warn = FALSE)
Z |
Z score, numeric, scalar, vector or matrix, or other types coercible using as.numeric() |
warn |
logical, whether to give a warning for very low p-values when precision limits are exceeded. |
p-valuues with the same dimension as the input
Nicholas Cooper [email protected]
Z.to.p("1.96") Z.to.p(p.to.Z(0.0001)) Z.to.p(37, TRUE) Z.to.p(39, TRUE) # maximum precision exceeded, warnings on Z.to.p(39) # maximum precision exceeded, warnings off
Z.to.p("1.96") Z.to.p(p.to.Z(0.0001)) Z.to.p(37, TRUE) Z.to.p(39, TRUE) # maximum precision exceeded, warnings on Z.to.p(39) # maximum precision exceeded, warnings off